When I first started blogging one of my first followers and the first person I started following and had talk to in WTE message boards. I met Lindsay from Adventures in Baby Making. We ended up getting pregnant only a few short weeks apart, but Linsday was pregnant with TWINS! Two boys! I love her posts and how she is so honest, and her updates about the boys. She hadn't updated in about 2 weeks when I saw her pop with a post name "because it only takes a moment to change your world" I thought for sure she had gone into early labor and  her boys. But as I read I was devastated by what I was reading.

Lindsay was going to get some long sleeved maternity shirts & head home. As she was doing so, she was in an car accident. A ambulance has t-boned her on driver side of her car. She had broken left collar bone, left shoulder, several ribs on the left side, several cracked vertebra, tail bone, and pelvic bone (into three pieces), along with some bleeding in on her brain.

She gave birth to her boys prematurely at 33w4d. Lane went to the NICU but is in generally ok condition. Lucas on the other hand didn't make it. He was down very low in her pelvis and was crushed. You can read her story HERE and hopefully leave her a message.

I know you some are thinking well I dont know her, but everyone sometime just needs prayer. So, I am asking if you are reading this to say a prayer her Lindsay, her Husband & Lane. I can not even imagine the heart-ache they are going through.

I am holding my belly a little tighter tonight.